The Benefits of Supplements in Children

Vitamins and minerals are vital for your child’s healthy growth and development. If your child has a well-balanced diet, gets enough sleep, and exercises regularly, then they may not require a supplement from places like Supplement First. That said, there are children at risk for nutrient deficiencies, requiring a supplement or multivitamin.
Let’s take a look at which kids require vitamin supplements and what they should take.
Who Can Benefit from Supplements?
Because of both parents and children’s busy lives, eating nutritious, homecooked meals can’t always be done. That’s why pediatricians may recommend giving your child a mineral supplement or multivitamins in the following situations:
- Your kids don’t eat regular and well-balanced meals made of fresh, whole ingredients.
- You have picky eaters who don’t eat enough or don’t like fruits and vegetables.
- Kids may have chronic medical conditions like digestive problems or asthma that make them deficient in some nutrients. They may also take prescribed medications that result in. vitamin deficiency.
- Your child prefers eating processed, convenience, or fast food because of a busy lifestyle. Those who drink a lot of carbonated soda may need a supplement as it leaches nutrients from their bodies.
- Children on a vegan or vegetarian diet (iron supplements are recommended), dairy-free diet (calcium supplements are recommended), or any other restricting diet.
The Best Vitamins and Minerals
Here are a few of the important nutrients your growing children need:
- Vitamin A is necessary for promoting proper growth and development and aiding in bone and tissue repair. It also maintains healthy eyes, skin, and immune responses.
- B vitamins help with energy production, metabolism, and healthy nervous and circulatory systems. These vitamins are also helpful in promoting healthy muscles, skin, and connective tissue. Furthermore, it promotes teeth and bone formation, helping bodies absorb calcium.
- Calcium helps strengthen bones in growing children.
- Iron helps build muscle and is necessary for healthy red blood cells. However, talk with the doctor before giving iron supplements to kids, as there’s such a thing as an iron overdose!
You can purchase all these vitamins and minerals in supplement form from stores like Designs for Health in Supplement First!
Tips When Giving Supplements to Kids
Follow these tips to make sure your children stay healthy and that you handle their supplements appropriately:
- Besides giving your child multivitamins and supplements, do your best to incorporate healthy foods into their diet, like fruits and vegetables. Opt for more variety in their meals, making healthy food more enjoyable.
- Keep all vitamins out of reach, especially gummy supplements, as these can be treated like candy.
- If your child takes any medication, talk with the doctor about any drug interactions to prevent boosting or lowering the medication dosage.
- For children who don’t like pills or liquid supplements, purchase chewable vitamins.
- Unless specified by a doctor, consider waiting until your child reaches four years old before giving multivitamin supplements.
Wrapping It Up
Before giving your kids supplements, discuss them with your child’s doctor to prevent any side effects.