What You Should Know About Effective Acne Treatment in Singapore

What You Should Know About Effective Acne Treatment in Singapore

Acne is a common skin condition that affects the majority of people at some point in their lives. Acne can develop from an overgrowth of certain bacteria on your face, or be caused by hormonal changes. It’s not uncommon for acne to worsen during puberty and pregnancy, but it can also become more prevalent if you’re taking medications like steroids or birth control pills.

Unfortunately, there are no quick fixes when it comes to getting rid of pimples once they’ve formed – most treatments take time and patience before they start working well. The good news is that there are many effective acne treatments in Singapore these days! This article will go through what you should know about effective acne treatment in Singapore so you don’t have to worry any longer about having nasty pimples on your face.

What Should You Know About Acne Treatment in Singapore?

The first step to treating any form of acne is to determine what kind of acne you have, and how serious it is. This will help the cosmetic doctor recommend the appropriate course of treatment for your condition.

What are the Different Kinds of Acne?

The most common types of acne include:

Acne Vulgaris

This is also known as simply ‘acne’. It’s the medical term for blackheads and whiteheads, and affects skin which has a higher tendency towards sensitivity and irritability. It can cause scarring and redness if left untreated and worsen with age.

Cystic Acne

This form of acne appears as swollen lumps under your skin that become infected, leading to painful breakouts. Although this is serious, it isn’t as common among adults as other types of acne such as teenage or hormonal acne.

Acne Conglobata

This kind of acne is the most common among older and adult patients. It affects areas on your face that contain a high number of oil glands, such as the beard area and jawline. The acne will manifest as large lumps or nodules which can be extremely painful to touch.

How Do You Determine What Causes Acne?

The first thing you should know about determining what causes your acne is that it’s often difficult to pinpoint one single cause for all cases of acne. Most pimples are caused by a combination of factors including hormones, genetics, diet and stress levels so don’t feel discouraged if you’ve over-exfoliated your skin with too many chemical peels or if your acne worsened during pregnancy.

Hormone Imbalance

During puberty, teenagers experience a spike in the levels of testosterone and other male hormones which causes acne to worsen. This is something that most teenage boys have to go through but girls may also experience this during their menstrual cycle or when taking birth control pills. If you’ve noticed that your pimples are worse before bedtime or after taking contraceptives, it could be because of an imbalance in hormone levels.


Eating large amounts of dairy products has been linked with many cases of hormonal acne breakouts – so try cutting down on your milk intake if you’re prone to breakouts around the time of your period each month.

Excessive Oil Production

Some people are genetically predisposed to produce large volumes of oil, leading to oily skin which can clog up pores easily. Although this isn’t directly caused by diet, it could be aggravated by eating too much fat or sugar as these types of food cause your body to produce more sebum than necessary.


Although stress isn’t a direct cause of acne, it has been linked with cases that occur during the teenage years. If you often feel overwhelmed by your workload or experience an emotional breakdown every now and again, don’t be surprised if your skin flares up as a result of too much stress.

How Do I Get Rid of My Acne?

Now that we know what causes acne and how you can determine which type you’re suffering from, we’ll discuss effective acne treatments in Singapore.

Pico Laser

Pico laser treatments  are the most popular way to treat acne because they’re a quick and non-intrusive method of removing spots without causing any pain or discomfort. The laser beams target the acne at a cellular level, causing the cells to die and the skin to renew itself so you’ll be able to enjoy clearer skin in just one session. However, it’s important that you repeat the treatment regularly for best results.

Because the treatment only minimizes the amount of sebum produced by your skin, it reduces inflammation and prevents further breakouts from occurring. If you’re concerned about whether you’ll end up with huge scars or if your skin tone might change drastically, don’t worry! Laser treatments are designed to improve your overall appearance without changing your natural complexion.

Topical Medications

Topical medications are also an effective way to get rid of whiteheads and blackheads. Benzoyl peroxide is a popular ingredient found in topical medication which helps to dry up acne by removing excess oil from the skin while salicylic acid exfoliates dead cells at the surface of your skin.

Topical medications are also available in both gel and cream forms so make sure that you find one that suits your lifestyle and skin type. Products with benzoyl peroxide tend to be more drying than products containing salicylic acid so keep this in mind when shopping around for a new product!

Martin Dupuis