Treating Colic With Home Remedies

Essential Tips and Treatment for Colic - Unilab

If a child is going to develop colic, most will do it when they are about two weeks old.  They will start to cry and sometimes appear to be in pain.  They may draw their legs up and pass gas more often.  If this starts to happen, it is best to check and see if there is another underlying cause for this behavior.  If the pediatrician tells you it is colic, there are many home colic treatments Ocean County that you can try to help ease your baby’s discomfort.

No one knows exactly what causes it or how to cure it.  On average, it will subside within three weeks to three months.  There are some tried-and-true home remedies that can help to soothe your baby.  

Home remedy colic treatments

Let your baby sleep

If your baby drifts off to sleep, let them sleep.  When your baby cries, they could also be tired so put them in their crib and let them cry for a bit as they may just cry themselves to sleep.  If they continue to cry, check to make sure they do not need to be changed, fed, burped, or for any signs of being sick, like a fever.  If nothing is wrong, walk out of the room and see if they fall asleep.  If after five minutes or so, if they do not stop crying, you should pick your child up and try to rock them, walk with them, etc.

Put them on soy formula

Some parents want to immediately start their baby on cow’s milk but there is a protein in cow’s milk, and many infant formulas, that could be responsible for the baby having colic.  It can even be found in mothers who breastfeed if they eat dairy products.  Try switching to soy formula if available.  If breastfeeding, try avoiding eating dairy products to see if that helps.

Add fiber to the formula

You can add from one-half teaspoon to the formula three to six times a day.  Start with a small amount and increase it a little bit every few days.

Soothe, not stimulate

This means that you should gently rock your baby and not bounce them in your arms and pat their back as if trying to get them to burp.  You could take a hot water bottle with warm water and put it on a towel on their stomach or back.  Sometimes the noise of a humidifier or fan helps.


If your baby does develop colic, and they continually cry but you cannot seem to soothe them and stop the crying, this does not make you a bad parent.  Colic just seems to make a baby cry.  Try some of these home colic treatments in Wall to help ease their discomfort.  Be patient and know that it is not going to last forever.  Above all, stay calm. It seems at times that your baby can sense your agitated mood and it may upset them more instead of calming down.  Just remember that though unpleasant, it will soon pass.

Martin Dupuis