So, what exactly is a traumatic birth? Some choices

So, what exactly is a traumatic birth? Some choices

There is a condensed version of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after childbirth is commonly referred to as “birth trauma.” Additionally, we utilise it on female patients who show symptoms of PTSD but lack sufficient evidence for a full diagnosis.

Most people continue to think of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as an ailment that is experienced by persons who have served in the military, as this was how it was initially found among veterans of the Vietnam War. In point of fact, post-traumatic stress disorder may emerge in the aftermath of any stressful occurrence, including being involved in a car accident, suffering sexual assault, or having a very difficult labour and delivery. People who have seen a dreadful incident, such as the violent death of another person, for example, are more prone to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than those who have not encountered such an event. After witnessing a difficult birth, this is one reason why some spouses and even midwives develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (PTSD).

About the Anxiety

The anxiety that either you or your baby may perish away during or soon after delivery is the main cause of birth stress in the overwhelming majority of situations. Women who have lost a substantial quantity of blood, for instance, or who were forced to have an emergency caesarean section because their baby’s heartrate suddenly fell are very commonly diagnosed with birth trauma.

Birth Trauma: Symptoms and Causes (postnatal PTSD)

The following are the key signs and symptoms:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may cause people to suffer intrusive thoughts and feelings about their horrific experiences, such as reliving them in their dreams or having flashbacks.
  • Your feelings of anxiety and anger might be triggered by these occurrences.
  • Trying to avoid everything that might bring back recollections of the unpleasant occurrence.
  • You may want to stay away from other new moms or the neighbourhood surrounding the hospital where you gave birth.

Experienced heightened vigilance

This is a sign that you are on edge all the time, quick to anger, and startle quickly. A parent’s natural fear is that their infant may be involved in a terrible incident.

A feeling of hopelessness and discontentment

There’s a chance you’ll blame yourself and feel guilty because you had a difficult birth. Depending on the specifics of your birth, you may have trouble recalling some details.

Who gets birth trauma?

A normal person wouldn’t want to go through what some women do during labour (or even when pregnant or shortly after giving birth).

In addition to the sensational or dramatic events that may have occurred during childbirth, other factors can trigger childbirth trauma in other women, including a loss of control, a loss of dignity, the hostility of the people around them, the feeling of not being heard, or the lack of informed consent to medical procedures.

Clare Louise