Can I Eat Normally With Dentures?

Dentures are an artificial or man-made prosthetic device which replaces your missing teeth. As they are custom-molded in specific plastic, they adequately replace your teeth. Because they are an artificial substitute for your natural teeth, many people reckon that it will unusual or even impossible to continue eating with them. As dental care is very important, once placed correctly, nobody will notice you have dentures, plus when you get used to them, you could continue eating normally as you used to. In early eating days with dentures, life may seem hard, but here is all you need to know once you get dentures.
Start slow and take it easy
Both your jaw and gums must properly adapt to the denture plate, for that reason you cannot immediately grab an apple. You will have to start mindfully with a mechanical soft diet which includes eating mashed potatoes, boiled rice, scrambled eggs, various puddings, etc. This and other liquefied food will ease up the pressure on the gums and jaws, helping you to adapt to dentures baton rouge la. What’s more, eating soft food like mild soups and smoothies will alleviate the discomfort of chowing down on food.
Go steady with hot and spicy dishes
As you have to learn how to live and eat with dentures in your mouth, avoiding certain food, in the beginning, will make the adaptation more effective. In the early stages, strive to avoid spicy dishes as it will be hard for you to judge how hot or cold the food is. Knowing how to recognize the temperature of your food is an utterly crucial skill because sometimes dentures can insulate your mouth and you won’t be able to rightly gauge the temperature. Always carefully test the heath against your lips first.
Learn how to chew
After replacing your missing teeth and passing through the first phase of the acquisition, the time has come to transit back to chewing. To improve your oral functionality and aesthetics you have to get high-quality dentures which will enable you to pass through this stage easier. Chop the food into small pieces, avoid chewing on one site as the dentures will be rocking around and slipping out of place. Try to chew on both sides at the same time, chew everything thoroughly before swallowing, and maybe drink with your meal.
Switch to solids mindfully
As your gums and jaws need time to adapt to dentures, and you to become more confident, transitioning to solid foods should be taken with ease. The best piece of advice any expert could give you is to take baby steps. Know that your tastes will be dulled, so don’t get alerted about that, next, move on to small bits of food and make sure that you spread food evenly to the left, right, and backs sides of your dentures and start chewing gradually. Once you’ve got used to eating with soft and pureed food, when you cut every solid food into tiny and easier-to-chew bites, you won’t even notice you’ve got an artificial eating tool.
Foods to avoid
Just as you need to pay close attention to what you eat during the first stages with the new dentures, you also should keep an eye on what you are going to eat throughout the entire time you are wearing them. This might sound too scary and harsh, but if you want to safe-keep your dentures and watch over your health, you’d better be careful with certain food. Some of those foods are chewing gum, tough red meat, nuts, sticky candies, crusty bread, popcorn, and even whole fresh fruit. Once you’ve master eating with soft foods you can start eating fruit without problem, only slice an apple into smaller pieces every time.
Don’t skip dental check-ups
Dentures make biting and chewing food more challenging. You’ll certainly encounter some difficulties until you adequately adapt to dentures, so don’t worry if you initially must consume denture-friendly foods, later it will all come back to normal. But the most important thing is to visit the dentist regularly and consult him any time you experience any pain or discomfort while wearing dentures. The dentist will help you adjust ad give you advice on which denture adhesive to get to fix them and reduce gum irritation.
Enjoy food once again
In the end, there’s no need to get dishearten as you’ll be back to your eating habits in no time. Sure, you’ll need to stick to a new eating regime, but after some time and with practice, you’ll reach a point where you could eat with dentures whatever you desire. The key thing is to learn how to eat and master the following pointers so you could ease up the learning process of eating with dentures.
Learning how to eat (and live) with dentures is a never-ending process. But as long as you follow the above-mentioned tips, get patient and diligent, you’ll be eating normally in thirty days.