What Puts You at Risk for Spider Veins

What Puts You at Risk for Spider Veins

Many people think that spider veins can only affect a specific body part, the leg. This is not always the case because the condition can impact several body parts, including the face, chest, feet, arms, and hands. When you develop a spider vein, your blood vessels swell, leading to blood reversal in the vein. You will also experience much pain and itching on the affected body part. This can be addressed by a spider veins New York specialist will reverse the impact of spider veins, and prevent adverse health complications with an assessment of the below factors, which put your life at risk of developing the condition. Read on to understand situations that put you on the frontline of developing spider veins.


Because of your family history, you are more prone to develop spider veins. Some genes in the family make individuals sensitive to developing ruptured capillaries. In simple terms, if you come from a family with a history of relatives developing spider veins, you have a higher chance of acquiring spider veins, compared to those who don’t have relatives with spider veins.

Hormonal Factors

You will likely develop spider veins at any stage, including puberty, pregnancy, or menopause. Changes in your body’s progesterone and estrogen levels could develop spider veins. Additionally, you will likely establish spider veins when you start undergoing postmenopausal hormone treatment.


Most of the blood vessels in your body are always sensitive, and when they are affected, they are likely to break. For instance, using eyeglasses can lead to the breakage of capillaries on the cheek and nose parts. When you develop wounds, apply certain cosmetic products or undergo skin surgery, the aggression they might cause to the skin can damage the capillaries.

Medical Conditions

Particular medical conditions can lead to spider veins. For instance, a medical condition that causes blood clots will impact blood in your veins, leading to inflamed veins and liver damage that may result in spider veins. Being overweight also increases the chances of breaking the capillaries found in the legs. The excess weight will exert pressure on the veins within the legs, interrupting blood circulation. Therefore, it would be best to exercise frequently to lose weight to avoid being overweight.

Leg Injuries

You will be at high risk of developing spider veins when you develop leg injuries that increase or decrease blood flow. When you stand or sit for long periods at work, your body will have poor blood circulation, leading to spider veins. As you age, your injuries may not heal faster due to the leg losing its elasticity and becoming even thinner. Such changes increase your risk of developing spider veins because you will become vulnerable to traumatic experiences.

Even if you do everything possible to avoid spider veins, they may appear at some point in your life. If you have any unsightly or bothersome spider veins on your body, there are several treatment options available to you. As a result, you should not be worried. Please stop by, call, or make an appointment to speak with an Upper East Side Cardiology representative about your situation. You will receive the best assistance to improve your health.

Martin Dupuis