How do I stop internal shaking from anxiety?

How do I stop internal shaking from anxiety?

Anxiety is a general feeling of worry, fear, or nervousness. It is a common emotion where everyone experiences at some point over certain situations such as financial troubles, work-related stress, illness, or death of a loved one. When the anxiety becomes overwhelming and affects normal daily activities, it becomes an anxiety disorder and approximately 40 million adults in the United States have anxiety disorders. Anxiety causes a variety of symptoms, such as sweating, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, or internal shaking or trembling.

This internal shaking anxiety or tremor is the effect of the body going into a fight-or-flight mode as a response to a perceived threat or stressor, even when there is no real danger. This physiological response causes a release of a hormone known as adrenaline which will increase your alertness and prepare your body for exertion. When your body starts to quiver, it is the result of these complex internal processes and most often this shaking is temporary, usually lasting just as long as the perceived threat is present. Tremors caused by anxiety are not dangerous, however, they can be uncomfortable. Anxiety can also exaggerate internal shaking due to other underlying conditions, potentially leading to a vicious cycle of more anxiety.

The key to managing internal shaking from anxiety involves treating the underlying anxiety. It may be helpful to know what situation can trigger their symptoms to avoid them, or at least learn how to manage the resulting symptoms. The most effective strategy is to guide your body back to a relaxed state through certain techniques that may help calm you down.

  1. Home remedies

Some exercises that can be performed at home may be helpful to stop shaking. A progressive muscle relaxation technique focuses on contracting then releasing certain muscle groups at a time, done simultaneously with deep breathing techniques. Regular yoga practice and poses such as child’s pose and sunrise salutations are effective to help you regulate your breathing to calm your body. Exercises that incorporate mindfulness meditation can guide you to relaxation. Some simple methods such as getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and reducing stress are important for managing anxiety and promoting wellness. Avoid having too much caffeine which may make your shaking worse. Some alternative treatments that you may try are herbal teas and supplements, but more research needs to be done to determine if they are effective.

  1. Therapies

If home remedies are not enough to control your anxiety, you can seek help from psychiatrists or licensed therapists. Several methods such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) can help you change your thought patterns by identifying the triggers of your anxiety and learning the method to overcome them. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the primary therapy that helps by teaching you to focus on your responses to events and exposure-response prevention, which helps to develop a constructive response to fear.

  1. Medications

If you frequently experience anxiety, some medications which are available through prescriptions may also help. Benzodiazepines are drugs that help relax and calm your body and mind, often used for short-term anxiety and panic relief, but be mindful that there is a risk for dependence, addiction, and tolerance. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are usually prescribed for long-term treatment of depression and anxiety. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) are sometimes used to treat anxiety also.

The good news is that anxiety can be helped, often a doctor will recommend a combination of lifestyle changes, therapy, and medication to treat the anxiety. In most cases, the anxiety is short-term and there is no need to see a doctor. However, if the symptoms are long-term and interfere with daily life, you should seek medical attention to help improve the quality of life.

Johnny Burrell