The Importance Of Nutrition Applied To Sport

Diet is one of the factors on which an athlete’s physical performance depends. And this diet, primarily aimed at people who face high training loads, practice high-intensity sports, and who also make prolonged efforts over time, as in the case of endurance sports, is known as sports nutrition.
So, sports nutrition is the branch of nutrition specialized in people who practice sports, through which the athlete is advised, oriented, and educated to know what, when, and why to eat certain foods. The main objective is to optimize physical training performance and accelerate recovery after physical exhaustion.
Why Is Nutrition So Important For An Athlete?
Sports nutrition is of utmost importance for athletes, as a proper diet, Multi-Vitamins Only affects strength, training, performance, and recovery. Training accompanied by a planned diet will achieve greater work intensity and duration; in the same way, in rest periods, the diet must also be adapted and thus favor compensation for the sport.
Sports nutrition doesn’t create “super champions,” but there may be champions who never are because they don’t eat the right way. And this is of great importance, as sports performance can be affected by the poor quality of your nutritional plan, excess or deficit in ingestion and disorderly consumption of food, and of course, special attention to hydration.
Which Sports Require A More Specific Diet?
Most sports need a nutritional intervention like supplement from snac for example, highlighting their particular importance in sports lasting more than two hours and high intensity (trails, marathons, medium and long-distance triathlons, etc.), where the diet will be essential to store energy during the challenge.
Carbohydrate energy stores are limited, and studying a diet pattern guarantees an athlete’s performance to reach the end of his journey. Sports nutrition is always looking for an adequate intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and hydration in the most balanced way possible.
Obviously, always consider each individual’s particularities and energy needs (type of sport, weight, sex, body constitution, metabolism, training time, among others).
With the inclusion of proteins. The proportions of proteins and carbohydrates vary according to the intensity and type of sport practiced.
Good hydration is essential to maintain balance and proper functioning of the body. It is advisable to drink plenty of water for at least two hours before exerting yourself. During the practice of a sport, it is better to drink water in small sips every ten or fifteen minutes. It is also essential to hydrate properly after exercise.
Following a balanced diet requires willpower, strict discipline, and much effort, which will be amply compensated by good physical performance and great results.